Tuesday, December 22, 2009

the 'holehdayz'

finally got some pikturs up of me

i wuz gonna post this last nite, but -sumone- had to be away at sum weird pagan event where peeple eat fire and this pahraid of kostumed things and drummi jaz.

this is whut i no of 'winter soulstes celeberation' (told to me by kafka and squishy): its this get-together of peeeple to commemerate the day of being furtherst away from the sun and its evil sun beams. peeple prey to there gods and fire or neet things happen... i dont no. kafka went to their 'fest' and said it wuz grate, and it had naytiv aborigineez and fire danserz and beevers and other animals. i wish i couldve went but sumone wuz a jerk.

aniwayz, ththis is a spesial time, around soulstis, where peeple caleberte byh giving gifs of kole to each other and we feed the kole to the Grate Furnass kalled "Economy" so that we can stay warm enough to not freez to death. datz why its emportant to konsume as much as possable so we can be konsidured 'good' and get more kole.

their is also another spesial day aftur 'soulstis' kalled ragnarokmas - the day of antisipayshawn of the grate klown apokalips - a day to honor and antisipayte the day where millionz of heethens die by killer klowns, who later sing and danse on their corpses. so happy (beelated) soulstis and ragnarokmas!!!

~mr. fuzzypants

"The Winter Stalker" By Stephen Reedy & Alex Pardee from ZerofriendsFilms on Vimeo.

playing zombee!!

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